The other side of this "scientific debate" re: so-called "virus contagion" is exemplified by Dr Tom Cowan & Dr Mark Bailey's rigorous research. Once you read their (& others) convincing historical facts/proofs/documentation re: "viral contagion" via a so-called "virus" - then "viral contagion" disappears.

> Is Sickness Really Contagious? Let The Science Speak- 12/13/23


In this webinar, Dr. Cowan discussed the following:

- If sickness is contagious, and delved into some studies surrounding this topic


- Strep Throat






More > In this webinar, Tom recaps the virus/no virus debate and discusses the issues. >

- Recapping the Virus/ No Virus Debate- June 19th, 2024 - Dr.TomCowan - 2 weeks ago - 5,337 Views

Dr.TomCowan - 13.6K Subscribers


And pls see this interview > Dr Sam Bailey's substack: Discussion: Dan Roytas: Can You Catch A Cold?

Apr 09, 2024 - https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/dan-roytas-can-you-catch-a-cold

[clip] Dr Bailey's summary: "Daniel Roytas has qualifications in naturopathy and human nutrition. He has 10 years of clinical experience as well as being a former lecturer at many of Australia’s leading natural medicine colleges and universities.

In 2020 with the onset of the COVID-19 era, Daniel started questioning much of what he thought were scientific facts and embarked on a new phase of private research. He launched the Humanley platform and has featured discussions with many of the world’s foremost heterodox thinkers in health and science. After facing professional difficulties for publicly sharing his research findings, Daniel decided to forge a new path where he would not submit to scientific dogma or other people’s rules.

As part of this journey he has just published an incredible new book titled “Can you catch a cold?”. It is the culmination of several years of focussed research and takes its place as the most comprehensive account of human contagion experiments ever seen. This one-of-a-kind book is a must read and reveals many of the buried and inconvenient clinical experiments that go against germ theory and the mainstream claims. I had the honour of writing the foreword for “Can you catch a cold?” and will also be recording an audiobook version later this year."

Interested to hear others' analysis of Dr Palmer's stack here vis a vis these counter-links I posted above as rigorous health info/medical discussions & debates are all for the common "good health" of us all.

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"Our review found no human experimental studies published in the English-language literature delineating person-to-person transmission of influenza."


Have you read the book 'Can You Catch A Cold?' by Daniel Roytas?

Over 100 studies attesting the non-contagiousness of polio: https://aldhissla.substack.com/p/the-case-against-polio-contagion

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Aldhissla - Just saw your link after I came here, read Dr Palmer's article & posted my comment including Roytas interview. Can't wait to read "Can you Catch a Cold?" by Daniel Roytas myself.

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The failure to observe person-to-person transmission of influenza is probably because they did not take immunologically naive toddlers and kept them in a cage next to another cage with already infected toddlers. You know, there is this thing called immune system? We all have it, and any grown-ups able to consent to any such trials would already have acquired immunity to influenza. Even with new strains, there still is at least partial cross-immunity.

What you are arguing here is "I saw 1000 white swans, therefore all swans are white." The successful transmission experiments in animals I cited are but a few black swans, but they suffice to refute the categorical assertion that viruses are not contagious. It merely remains to be determined HOW contagious. That will vary from virus to virus and from host to host.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Just anecdotal, I know, but my husband & I have slept next to each other for 49 years & he gets colds & flu much more than I do & never "shares" it with me. Since I stopped taking so-called "flu shots" annually about 20 years ago, I no longer get the "flu". Curious?

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Also curious is that flu season is preceded by flu-vaccine season, and that “COVID” in Lombardy was preceded by experimental-flu/vaccine season.

Also, since I stopped eating most carbs, I never get “viral” illnesses even when my wife and kids have them, no matter how hard I try to “infect” myself by finishing the kids’ dinner plates, clearing away tissues, drinking from their water glasses, etc. And my wife is now the same after cutting most carbs.

Virus pushers will play their Get Out of Jail Free card here and say that our immune systems are stronger. But a simpler explanation is that we are not poisoning ourselves with carbs, while the kids are.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Re: cutting out carbs & avoiding illness I had to look up the list of carbs again as I can never actually remember what is & is not a carb. haha Anyway, that's a very interesting premise as I've always thought that my husband's increased flu & colds might be due to more red meat/proteins as I eat much less of those.

And our vegetarian daughter is very healthy & eats mostly carbs herself. In fact, my joke is that she is mainly a pasta-tarian (good Mediterranean diet, right??).

Carbs list here > "Common foods high in carbohydrates include grains like bread, noodles, pasta, and rice, fruits such as apples, bananas, and oranges, dairy products like milk and yogurt, legumes including beans and lentils, snack foods, sweets, and starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, and peas."

Our common denominator, though, is that we've mainly eaten organic - dairy, cheese, meats & veggies for the past 20+ years - so think it's more the bad additives/chemicals & refined nature of many ingredients in regular foods that cause inflammation & disease more than perhaps the carbs we ingest? Maybe?

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Yeah, "immunity" is the excuse - the one used for the "win" - by the med folks. haha The generic "you" (docs) say immunity, I say "detox & clean- up" process.

I posted Dr Sam Bailey's excellent video that helps destroy the concept of so-called "immunity" on Dr Palmer's stacks earlier today but here's the link again:

> Is Immunity Real? - Dr Sam Bailey - Jun 04, 2024


excerpt: "The subject of immunology often appears very complicated with an ever-expanding body of literature covering cell types, immune pathways, and molecules such as antibodies. The latter is one of the mainstays of the concept of being “immune” to a disease but what is actually being measured in your blood? And while the vaccine promoters claim that the generation of antibodies is a good thing, what has actually happened to the recipient?"

"On other occasions, antibodies are deemed as “bad” and are used to diagnose one of the so-called “auto-immune” diseases or an invented condition such as Alpha-gal Syndrome and Lyme disease. The most feared of all is ‘HIV’ antibodies, supposedly specific to a deadly virus…that has never been shown to exist. However, even the HIV proponents admit that the “specific” antibodies can be found in dozens of conditions, including in recipients of experimental COVID-19 vaccines."

Dr Sam is so great in pointing out the contradictions & weaseling by the immunity (good or bad) antibody folks as they waffle on both sides of the immunity argument so you can't dispute any of their immunity claims.

I'm happy to post links on stacks - as I think that's the best way to counter the trad-med arguments but - serious question - how can doctors dismiss them without responding to their informed arguments?

Does everyone know of this too- the foundations of the US medical monopoly?

> Rockefeller Medicine Men - : Medicine and Capitalism in America (1979) by E. Richard Brown - https://archive.org/details/rockefellermedic00browrich

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So now immunity is fake, too. Where do you want to stop? What, if not immunity, causes childhood diseases to occur once, but only once?

Don't you see that you are on a slippery slope of denying the existence of anything at all? If I show you proof that antibodies exist and bind and neutralize antigens, and then that antibodies are proteins; do you then want to deny the existence of proteins? That, in turn, would require the denial of life itself.

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Immunity to viruses is fake, because viruses are.

And please, it's possible to get childhood diseases again. For example: "Immunity following varicella is considered to be long-lasting and a second case of varicella in otherwise healthy person is uncommon.[11,12] However, second cases may occur more commonly among immunocompromised persons.[13]" (CDC). So, not only is it possible in healthy people, other cases are explained away by "immunocompromise" -- i.e., playing the usual Get Out of Jail Free card. Popper would not be amused.

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Just watch Dr Sam Bailey's video Dr Palmer. Geez. I read all your links.

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But do you agree that influenza has not been shown to be contagious? And what about polio? Invoking the immune system, as you do above, is just a pseudoscientific Get Out of Jail Free card to explain away the failed contagion experiments. It makes virology unfalsifiable and more religion than science.

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Sanjoy - Good point re: immunity used as a Get Out of Jail card. Yep. Excellent exploration/rebuttal to the ole "human immunity" argument w/Dr Sam Bailey below.

> "Is Immunity Real? - The subject of immunology often appears very complicated with an ever-expanding body of literature covering cell types, immune pathways, and molecules… Jun 4 [2024] • Dr Sam Bailey


Dr Bailey writes: "The subject of immunology often appears very complicated with an ever-expanding body of literature covering cell types, immune pathways, and molecules such as antibodies. The latter is one of the mainstays of the concept of being “immune” to a disease but what is actually being measured in your blood? And while the vaccine promoters claim that the generation of antibodies is a good thing, what has actually happened to the recipient?

On other occasions, antibodies are deemed as “bad” and are used to diagnose one of the so-called “auto-immune” diseases or an invented condition such as Alpha-gal Syndrome and Lyme disease. The most feared of all is ‘HIV’ antibodies, supposedly specific to a deadly virus…that has never been shown to exist. However, even the HIV proponents admit that the “specific” antibodies can be found in dozens of conditions, including in recipients of experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

With all of the inconsistencies in the original hypotheses, it raises the foundational question of whether “immunity” is even a scientific concept? In this video we look at some of the historical aspects of immunology and why the whole thing is so crucial to the maintenance of germ theory and its beneficiaries. The good news is that we can safely ignore most of this fear-based paradigm and find a better way to health."

Kinda makes you reconsider the"science" behind an "immunity hypothesis," right?

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Sanjoy - Bingo!

Yep. See Dr Mark Bailey's comprehensive "A Farewell to Virology" report here:

Sep 15, 2022 - A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition) - Dr Mark Bailey


There are also several videos that Dr Mark Bailey & Steve Falconer taped re: A Farewell to Virology (in case you'd rather watch then read the report) linked at Mark's wife's substack (Dr Sam (Samantha) Bailey): https://drsambailey.substack.com/

See Part One of the film version of "A Farewell to Virology" here:


Again, LMK what y'all think about this research & conclusive - well, imo - "Farewell".

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No. I was saying that the failure to detect influenza transmission in human volunteers is due to ethical limitations. If one were to experiment on humans as one does on rabbits or on pigs, transmission would most likely succeed. In fact, swine influenza has been successfully transmitted among pigs. Interestingly, severe disease resulted only if both the virus and a certain bacterium were transmitted together. That bacterium is a relative of Haemophilus influenzae, which was commonly isolated from human patients during the Spanish flu.

Shope, R.E. (1931) Swine Influenza : I. Experimental Transmission And Pathology. J. Exp. Med. 54:349-59 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=19869922

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Dr Palmer - Nope. Not an "ethical issue" at all but one that isn't discussed by "flu contagion believers" because so-called influenza contagion experiments have been shown to be a bust - starting w/the1918 flu contagion experiments which showed NO "flu" transmission thru human contact/fluids/injections etc.

Historical contagion experiments with humans re: influenza HAVE been carried out & proved disastrous for the "flu contagion" advocates. See various sources including many "1918 spanish flu"- related substack articles, Dr Tom Cowan et all & the 5-part "The Viral Delusion" documentary for more on flu experiments.

See the excellent historical time-line here: Apr 30, 2024 - UPDATED: Solving Covid - The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline - How an intergenerational, eugenics-centered organized crime system uses engineered “pandemics” and vaccines to rob, sterilize, debilitate and murder populations -

Etienne de la Boetie

> https://artofliberty.substack.com/p/updated-solving-covid-the-covid-19

Mention of the so-called "1918 spanish flu" human contagion experiments as conducted by the US Public Health Service & the US Navy >

- March 1918 – December 1920 - The so-called “Spanish Flu” kills an estimated 20-50 million globally. The U.S. Public Health Service and the Navy conduct numerous documented experiments in an effort to test the spread of influenza by having infected persons breathe, sneeze, and cough on 100+ healthy volunteers. They eventually progressed to putting snot and sputum directly into the throat and eyes and ultimately injecting blood from influenza patients into healthy volunteers. They were never able to spread the sickness they were attributing to influenza from person to person.[xviii] Many, including Dr. Eleanor McBean, who lived through the pandemic, credit the “14 to 25 shots given to soldiers” and then the public as the culprit: “The flu hit only the vaccinated. Those who had refused the shots escaped the flu….The first World War was …short…, so the vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines….they decided to sell it to the rest of the population. So, they drummed up the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history."

Also, must-watch to learn of "viral history" >"The Viral Delusion" documentary:

Website > THE VIRAL DELUSION - The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology > https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io/

Watch Part 1 of this series which lays out the arguments re: history of "viruses" -


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We need to explain why influenza could be experimentally transmitted in pigs but not in humans. What was the difference? The most straightforward explanation is the difference in the experimental conditions used. And the proposal to subject humans to the conditions used in the pig experiments would certainly have difficulty receiving ethics approval.

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Would appreciate if you read/watched the cites I've provided & then critique that history & those findings as they contradict what you said. Seems like the history & thorough researchers that I've cited here & on your "yes, there are viruses" stack are conclusive "virus" & flu contagion rebuttals. What about US Pub Health/Navy "flu contagion experiments" Sanjoy & I cited? A response from you is warranted. ;-)

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The Rosenau experiments were not hampered by ethical limitations, and showed that Spanish flu is not transmissible. So, your "would most likely succeed" claim is just speculation contradicted by evidence.

Anyway, there are no ethical limitations on studying natural modes of transmission for a mild disease like influenza (unless the subjects are already on their death beds). So, you are saying that only unnatural modes of transmission might work. But that question is irrelevant.

And what about polio? Do you think that polio is contagious, despite all the studies not finding contagion?

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Sanjoy - Again, I posted my comment re: early US 1918 spanish flu human contagion experiments above before I read your comment. Great minds. ;-)

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The book entitled 'Can You Catch A Cold?: Untold History & Human Experiments' reviews more than 200 contagion studies on humans.


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RemovedJun 30
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Yes. An everyday version is to hold two light bulbs near each other and turn the left one on and then quickly off, turning the right one on just as the left one turns off. The illusion that the light jumped from the left to the right bulb is almost impossible to resist.

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( @ @ )

..( ~ )

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Jun 30Liked by Michael Palmer, MD

Bewildered is a good way of saying it.

Thank you for these posts.

I've appreciated them.

Wishing you well!

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Thank you -- likewise!

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RemovedJun 30
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As I said, I wasn't trying to talk to the ideologically committed.

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